IDP Camp pictures...

Hello all...we have been super busy as we wrap our trip up and I probably won't have a chance to post another videolog, but I will post some pictures.  Yesterday we visited an IDP camp (Internally Displaced People) situated in the national forest area in the mountains.  These people were either ran out of their homes or their homes were destroyed during the recent conflict over the elections.  These people have nothing, but a small house and the food that the government provides them (which really isn't that much).  They are not allowed to create gardens or try to grow their own food, only to build their small shelter and some outhouses.  We brought some food, but gave it to their "elder" to divide up due to the amount of people there, they can't give food to some and not to others.  It was very eye opening and you realize how much you have to be thankful for.  Here are a few pictures:

The only source of income they have is to cut wood from the forest and sell it in Nairobi.  The bundles of wood weigh between 40 - 60 pounds and they carry them on their backs very long distances.

Here are their homes, made of mostly of bamboo and was a lot to take in...


Matt said...

Hello! I am Lora Sink's sister. Thank you for sharing your experience with the world. I have enjoyed your videos and pictures. Lora said you have been under the weather since you arrived home. I hope you are feeling better.

Lynn Stephenson

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