Busy, Busy, Busy...

It's been a while since our last post, but we have been really busy lately...
The Colts lost in the Super Bowl...but we still love them!

 First off, school has been great.  We have been getting back into the swing of things and time seems to be flying by. The last couple of weekends were spent with family and friends, watching football, eating pizza and playing wii Mario Cart (provided by my brother).

Lately, we have been busy preparing for our trip to Kenya.  We saw our travel doctor, Dr. Jeffery Jones with St. Francis, and he hooked us both up with a shot of tetanus and whopping cough.  I had to take typhoid again, since my five years was up from my last vaccination.  I HATE shots, but luckily it was oral.  Seth and I like to kid and say that if there was ever a biochemical attack, we would be prepared, unless it's anthrax.

We leave in five weeks, I feel like I am literally counting the days.  A good friend of ours, Jim and Jess Baker, just returned from their trip to Kenya, seeing their pictures and hearing their tales makes me want it even more.

Five weeks and counting...


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